girls from planet Venus New Years blog post bodysuit for women streetwear for women

New Year, New ?

girls from planet Venus the bawdysuit New Years post

Happy New Year. January is the month where you set all of your goals and do well for 31 days (maybe) then forget it all. But this year has been interesting for GFV and the owners already so we decided to go with February for a new year, but same vibe. 

We’re 3 months into year 3 that started with a bang @ Cahoots Brothers ,releasing a new more unusual item, The "Bawdysuit". The "bawdysuit"s creation came from the uprise in loungewear and minimalism due to the pandemic and me wanting to give the girls a simple top to wear with anything else GFV. (Also from American Apparel, which is next week's blog post)

I've been struggling with next steps for GFV. Lately, I've felt like life is too short to continuously play it safe and make what other people are making or what’s trendy. Trends are set and made by small brands like GFV. I won’t promise more products this year, more content or anything I’m not sure I can keep. But I do promise that everything pushed through GFV this year will be very well thought out, original and colorful. As l grow and develop as a creative, so will GFV. But that will never mean being mediocre or following the pack. Thats so not super nova. Life is too short for bad friends and boring clothes. Don’t be caught up in either.

Until next time,


Brains Behind Girls From Planet Venus <3

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